Monday, October 10, 2011

Indian Summer

It was hot today, I wore the purple tank w/ the black lightweight jacket-y thing & black slax & used some slip on bass sandals. Most of my summer stuff is packed away.

So I went to a mall today, ostensibly to find a 3 to 3 1/2 ft Xmas tree-a no I went to several stores & TRIED on clothes but did not buy EVEN THO there were alot of clearance sales...thank you project 333, you saved me $$ today.

NOTE- Kmart does not suck & don't pass by even the maternity section when it comes to clearance. Found a cute empire waist top for cheap in the maternity clearance, but passed on it only bec. I do not need it now...I cannot wait till I really lose a tonage just to go shopping!!! that may not happen till 6 months (may need a few things in 3 if my closet doesn't yield enough)


  1. Greetings, Hippie Chick! Or... you are Hippie "Chic???" :)
    Thanks for Following me! I am now Following YOU. I tried to leave you a comment the other day, but there was something going on with Blogger... Anyway, as soon as I see a 'new' Follower on my blog, I am HAPPY, and run over to see who they are. And I read your profile and saw that you are in NEW YORK and I am a born and bred New Yorker! :)
    Thank you for Following me and I look forward to discovering your blog. WELCOME TO BLOGGING!

  2. Thanks for visiting and do a post to show us what you got at CTS! :)
