Saturday, October 8, 2011

Another Trip To Goodwill...

So yesterday I went thru my "stuff" (the non-33 items) & filled 3 of those cheap plastic storage bins with: jeans that still had tags on it-but the fabric felt "stiff", costume jewelry, black felt covered hangers that had anoying "hooks" on them, old curtains, books I no longer cared for & other miscellaneous stuff. Oh & the black stretchy yoga pants, the ratty denim skirt & the jeans that were droopy. Got up early, drove to Wappingers at daybreak & dropped it off, including the BINS. My philosophy is if you keep alot of bins around, it is an EXCUSE to hoard "stuff". I have enough furniture & closet space to store EVERYTHING THAT I NEED & MORE. My goal is to get the extra weight off, so as to limit my clothes to one size, rather than 3 sizes. So my dieting is "being green" LOL!

This morning I perused my bedroom furniture. I have an armoire (smallish) & a lingerie chest. If I were NOT even minimalist, but just mildy minimalist, I should be able to store all of my garbs-even off season- in those 2 pieces of furniture & my walk-in closet could house-a vacuum cleaner, & various needful things.

If I ever get to downsize into a tiny house, I'd have to let go of plenty of my possessions, so I am experimenting w/ that now. I've simplified my food, cooking, dishes, bathing & hygiene as well.

I found a tiny house thru the tinyhouse blog site that is a vaca rental up in Plattsburgh NY. A bit of a haul but I would like to try to spend a night there in the late spring JUST TO HAVE A TINY HOUSE EXPERIENCE.

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